

Text Faces Lenny Donger Shrug

This app contains over 600 most popular text faces. You will find you classic text faces like Lenny, Donger, Shrug, Table Flip and much more!

Text Faces Lenny Donger Shrug

This app contains over 600 most popular text faces. You will find you classic text faces like Lenny, Donger, Shrug, Table Flip and much more!

Text Faces Lenny Donger Shrug

This app contains over 600 most popular text faces. You will find you classic text faces like Lenny, Donger, Shrug, Table Flip and much more!

Text Faces Lenny Donger Shrug

This app contains over 600 most popular text faces. You will find you classic text faces like Lenny, Donger, Shrug, Table Flip and much more!

Text Faces Lenny Donger Shrug

2021年8月23日 — 此应用程序包含600多个最流行的文本面孔。你会发现经典的文字面孔,如Lenny,Donger,Shrug,Table Flip等等! 共有13个类别。它会让你表达任何感觉!

Text Faces Lenny Donger Shrug

2021年8月23日 — 此應用程序包含600多個最流行的文本面孔。你會發現經典的文字面孔,如Lenny,Donger,Shrug,Table Flip等等! 共有13個類別。它會讓你表達任何感覺!

( ツ )_¯ Donger Shrug Emoticon Meaning and Examples

The ¯-_(ツ)_/¯ or Donger Shrug emote is a text-based emoticon that represents a person shrugging their shoulders to indicate a lack of knowledge, ...